
see new work on instagram daily: @katherinejanestudio

I'm a photo school drop out

But I had a good reason...

Story time

  • I dropped out of photography school a few months before graduation. I was ready and my teachers supported me!!! 8 months later I had one of my first weddings printed in The Knot magazine. Follow your gut!
  • I spent my summers on Fortunes Rocks beach in Biddeford, Maine at my grandparent’s beach house. 15 years ago my husband and I secretly eloped on that beach. We didn't tell anyone for almost 3 years!
  • When I was in first grade brought a pack of Virginia Slim menthols for show-and-tell. Faked smoked them on the bus.
  • I failed out of UVM after my freshman year. I went to summer school and got my act together. Yay for second chances.
  • I'm a traveler. No matter where I ended up, Chile, France, Peru, Switzerland- I’d always set up my darkroom in some small non-ventilated windowless bathroom. Darkroom fumes are almost as bad as Virginia Slims menthols.
  • I'm half Peruvian! Peruvian mom. Boston dad. We spoke Spanglish at home.
  • Boy mom. Frankie & Johnny. My path to motherhood was a long & sad one. If you want to talk failed fertility treatments and loss, I’m your girl. If you want to talk miracle & rainbow babies I’m also your girl.

I'm the happiest person with a camera. So grateful for everyone who has supported my small business over the past 16 years!

Thank You

& Bruno ROSCOEWe are brothers!
& Bruno ROSCOEWe are brothers!


What makes more noise than a dog barking?

Two dogs barking!


Agreed. Two dogs are better than one especially if they are brothers!


We are Roscoe & Bruno. While we don’t go on portrait sessions we do make sure that there are plenty of doggie treats in that big old camera bag. Our mom will even photoshop your leash out of the pictures. Most of our favorite beaches and city parks are dog friendly too. Bow-Wow.


We made it!! Cameras are packed up and getting shipped out to the camera spa for a deep clean. I have 456 things in my holiday magic to do list 🤓
Looking forward to doing all the holiday things with family and friends! Cheers to all the magic makers and believers out there.
All invoices and portrait galleries have been sent out! Thank you to all of you who stood in front of my camera this year and put up with my crazy energy! I hope you enjoy the holiday season with all of your loves.

While I am done with outdoor family sessions until next spring this winter I will be offering in studio portraits and branding sessions. Currently scheduling winter newborn session. 

Black Friday!
 I will be offering $200 off all Jan- April newborn & in-home portrait sessions. DM me for info. 

Stepping away from the computer for a few days to make some mimosas and memories with family and friends. We are in charge of brunch and the apple margaritas recipe…winning!!
It is feeling like summer in the city these days! I’m closing up shop for the season soon but will be adding a day of minis before  the cooler temps roll out way!
Guess what? Now that I have city hall at my fingertips I’m back to photographing elopements! ❤️

Katherine Jane is a family portrait photographer serving Boston-Kennebunkport-North Conway-Lake Champlain